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1934Year comment In Washington

President Loses a Complete And Perfect Buffer.

1965Year Neuman confirms he is no longer pres, remains dir Chock Full Switchboard Says The President Won't Be Back


1995Year To the Editor: While "The American President" offers a certain claim to originality in its parallels to the Clinton Presidency, a close look at its plot reveals that it is nothing more than an updated version of a well-worn Hollywood formula: in this case, President meets girl

President loses girl; President gets girl. AMERICAN PRESIDENT';Presidential Spin

1966Year bill approved, HR, 381-0 NEW G.I. BILL WINS IN HOUSE BY 381-0

PRESIDENT LOSES; Johnson Sought to Limit Aid in Housing and Education to 'Hot Spot' Veterans NEW G.I. BILL WINS IN HOUSE, 381 TO 0

1932Year BUFFALO, Nov. 17 -- With the clearing away of the smoke of battle, perhaps the most interesting fact disclosed by detailed examination of the election returns in this corner of the country is that the citizens registered a greater degree of approval for President Hoover than for any other Republican. BUFFALO ANALYZES RESULT OF ITS VOTE

President Lost City, Won County and Got More Votes Than Any Other Republican. WADSWORTH BOOM STARTS Bradley's Fight for Collectorship Ends -- Former Mayor Plans Brewery Merger.

1993Year Defense Secretary Les Aspin resigned today. He had concluded that President Clinton had lost confidence in his leadership, senior Administration officials and associates of Mr. Aspin said. Senior Administration officials said tonight that Bobby Ray Inman, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration, was the front-runner to succeed Mr. Aspin and that Mr. Clinton might announce a successor as early as Thursday. Mr. Inman, a retired admiral who lives in Texas, refused to take a phone call from a reporter tonight at his hotel in Washington. ASPIN RESIGNS FROM CABINET


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