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1929Year Announces health conf SAYS DEATH RATE CAN BE REDUCED

Health Worker Declares Wider Application of Preventive Work Is Needed. TWO-DAY CONFERENCE HERE Representatives of Seven Groups at Meeting Will Study Methods Now in Use.

1960Year Patrick, (Mrs) Geo N MRS. PATRICK DEAD


1928Year 57 per cent of drillers and excavators examined in N Y C suffer from this lung disease FIND 57% OF DRILLERS VICTIMS OF SILICOSIS

Health Workers and Physicians Say Diseased Rock Workers Probably Are Doomed.

1998Year Chicago program significantly improves dangerously low immunization rates among city's poor children through incentives that require parents to report to authorities monthly, instead of quarterly, to receive Federal food vouchers until children have appropriate vaccinations

health workers at voucher offices warn parents about dangers of missing shots, tell them where to get free shots and sometimes provide shots at same office; Dr Charles W LeBaron of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention helped conceive and run program (M) Incentive Program Raises Immunization Rates

1926Year $80,653 raised SEAL SALE NETS $80,653.

Health Workers Hope to Raise $300,000 Before Christmas.

2012Year Suffering in Aleppo

health workers shot in Pakistan; a monk shortage in Thailand; birth control backlash in the Philippines; bigotry in Russian soccer; Meyerbeer at Covent Garden. IHT Quick Read: Dec. 19

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