1970Year WESTFIELD, N. J., March 28—
Miss Gail Iown Cunning ham was married this after noon to Lieut. (j.g.) Nicholas Roberts Rasmussen, U.S.N. The Rev. Richard T. Smith performed the ceremony in the Westfield Presbyterian Church. Gail Iown Cunningham Wed to Officer
1973Year EAST HILLS, L. I., Aug. 5 —
Miss Gail Jane Winston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Winston, was married here this afternoon to Daniel John Hemerlein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hemerlein of Roslyn Estates. Justice Charles Margett of the State Supreme Court performed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Gail Winston Married To Daniel Hemerlein
1971Year ALPINE, N. J., March 14—
Miss Gail Joyce Tanney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Morley Tanney of Engle wood, was married here this afternoon to Dr. Mark Michael Rubin, son of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Rubin of Jersey City. Rabbi Irwin I. Blank performed the cere mony at the Tamcrest Coun try Club. Dr. Mark M. Rubin Weds Gail Tanney
1964Year BROOKLYN, Ohio, June 20 —
Miss Gail Kathleen Gustin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Gustin, was married today to John W. Slocum Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Slocum of Bergenfield, N. J. Gail Gustin Married To John Slocum Jr.
1973Year BOSTON, July 29—
Miss Gail Kleven, a member of the Education Task Force of the Governor's Commission on the Status of Women in Massachusetts, was married here today to Richard Mark Gelb, who is a candidate for a Master of Law degree in taxation at New York Uni versity. Richard M. Gelb And Gail Kleven Wed in Boston
1973Year HARRISON, N. Y., Oct. 27 —
Miss Gail Lederman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lederman of Mount Vernon, was married tonight to Dr. Jerome M. Felsenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Felsenstein of Bellerose, Queens. Rabbi Norton Shargel performed the ceremony at the Jewish Community Center of Harrison. Gail Lederman Married