1937Year Upholds right of bank employes to organize BANK UNION DRIVE HELD WITHIN LAW
Mrs. Herrick Tells C.I.O. Unit She Knows of No Obstacle to Employe Organization
1942Year Assoc Propeller Workers, independent union, calls off strike plans at Caldwell and Clifton, N J plants in connection with NLRB election, following appeal to members by Mrs Herrick, NLRB regional dir NLRB PLEA BALKS PROPELLER STRIKE
Mrs. Herrick Wires to 1,134 in Independent Union Not to Walk Out Today VOTE SET FOR THURSDAY Clash Arises Over NLRB Poll in Which Only A.F. of L. and C.I.O. Locals Are Listed
1937Year Mrs E M Herrick holds labor has always abided by contract A WOMAN'S WAY WITH LABOR AND INDUSTRY
Mrs. Herrick, Enforcer of the Wagner Law, Believes Unions Will Not Abuse Their Power WOMAN'S WAY WITH INDUSTRY
1942Year The War Action Center, 353 West Fifty-seventh Street, a cooperative organization of business and professional women's groups formed to provide a channel through which women with skills can make an effective war contribution, will be formally launched at a meeting on "Women in the War and After" at 8:30 o'clock tonight, it was announced yesterday. ' WOMEN IN WAR' MEETING
Mrs. Herrick, Mrs. McCormick Address New Group Tonight
1937Year NLRB cancels election VOTE CANCELED BY NLRB
Mrs. Herrick, Not Company, Acted in Book of the Month Club Case
1934Year Feature article on Mrs E M Herrick, chmn of Regional Labor Bd THE WOMAN WHO UNRAVELS LABOR KNOTS
Mrs. Herrick, the Only Woman Head of a Regional Labor Board, Brings Wide Industrial Experience to Her Task