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1969Year T Roszak book The Making of a Counter Culture, which argues that young Amers are creating new culture based upon rejection of 'objective consciousness' of science, revd The Making Of a Counter Culture

Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition. By Theodore Roszak. 303 pp. New York: Doubleday & Co. Cloth, $7.95. Paper, $1.95.

1952Year Book Reflections on the Theatre revd One of His Main Props Is Tradition

REFLECTIONS ON THE THEATRE. By Jean-Louis Barrault. Translated from the French by Barbara Wall. Illustrated. 180 pp. New York: The Macmillan Company. $4.50.

1926Year Jane Clegg, by Ervine, London production ON THE LONDON STAGE

Reflections on Tragedy Induced by "Jane Clegg" and "Riceyman Steps"

1948Year A BRISK efflorescence of French films in local art theatres last week, manifested by three Gallic imports popping out within a span of six days, briefly aroused wistful memories of activities in this line in years gone by. It also gave cause for reflection upon the French films we've seen here since the war. SNOWS OF YESTERYEAR

Reflections Upon French Films of Now and Then

1934Year Considering the sensational character of the developments in Austria and the meager information available at first, it was certainly not surprising that professional Wall Street on Thursday lost its composure and participated, along with many weakly margined traders, in the temporary demoralization of the stock market. FINANCIAL MARKETS

Reflections Upon New York Market's Response to News of Political Disturbances in Europe.

1955Year AMONG all the wide variety of pictures that have opened hereabouts in the past few weeks -- and which, for one reason or another, have not yet been mentioned in this space -- perhaps the most certainly intriguing, as a sheer entertainment exercise, is Walt Disney's "live-action" version of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." SEVERAL ASSORTED FILMS

Reflections Upon Some Movies That Have Opened Here in Recent Weeks

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