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2004Year Alberto R Gonzales's confirmation as attorney general appears all but assured after he meets with Sen Patrick J Leahy, ranking Democrat on Judiciary Committee

Leahy says he believes Gonzales will win substantial votes on both sides of the aisle; praises Pres Bush for not picking a polarizing figure; photo (M) Democrats Expect Gonzales to Be Confirmed for Justice Post

1974Year B & J Exxon Service (Co) owner John F Leahy int on impact of gasoline shortage on his business

Leahy says his business depends largely on sale of automotive products and repairs and not on gasoline sales; asserts forced rationing of sales is causing frictions between him and his customers and running out of gasoline might force his customers to go elsewhere; details on non‐gasoline sales; illus (M) ‘Gas’ Station Firing Line


Leahy Says Our Future Fleet Can Face Any Nation but Avoids 'Two-Ocean' Issue Declares Fleet Is Ready NAVY HEAD ADMITS DELAY IN NEW SHIPS Halls Efficiency of the Personnel Wasp Delayed Ten Months Planes Taken From Gunboats

1941Year ATLANTA, Oct. 10 (AP) -- Frank Leahy brought Notre Dame's football team to town today, hopeful that cool weather and the accurate passing of Sophomore Angelo Bertelli would give the Irish victory over Georgia Tech tomorrow "by one point -- certainly not more than one touchdown." CLOSE GAME SEEN FOR NOTRE DAME

Leahy Says Team Is In for Trouble From Georgia Tech in Atlanta Today RELIES ON PASS WEAPON Bertelli Directs Aerial Attack for Irish -- Engineers Pin Hopes on Bosch

1947Year LOS ANGELES,Dec. 6 (AP) -- "I think," said Coach Frank Leahy, his hat pushed back and a grin spread across his big face, "that was perhaps the best single game a Notre Dame team ever played." COACH FINDS IRISH AT GRIDIRON PEAK

Leahy Says U.S.C. Fray Was 'Best Single Game Notre Dame Ever Played'

1949Year linesman says officials saw films of '48 game to study ND tactics

Leahy scores action Krause, Irish Athletic Director, Declares Future Meetings Were Discussed After Game -- Says Films Support Charge

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