1999Year Senators appear on television talk shows in bid to shore up bipartisan cooperation in Pres Clinton's impeachment trial
propose new plans for concluding trial quickly and stress common desire to reach end with dignity; photos (M) Senators Try to Restore Status as Upper House on the Higher Road
1948Year Neb Dem leaders pledge support to Truman
propose O'Mahoney for Vice Pres NEBRASKA BACKS TRUMAN; State's Democrats Also Propose O'Mahoney as Running Mate
1958Year GB studies limiting conf membership to nations directly interested in topic under discussion BRITONS CONSIDER RULE FOR SUMMIT
Propose Only Those Nations Affected by Agenda Item Be Allowed to Talk on It
1947Year US machinery mfrs see standard US machines unsuited to Eur use
propose other means to implement Plan OUTLINE OBSTACLES TO MARSHALL PLAN; Leaders Here Say Machines Are Not Suited to Mines, Other Projects Abroad FOR MAKING PARTS INSTEAD Suggest Step to Keep Existing Facilities Running Until New Equipment Is Available
1949Year US Progressive Party urges US initiate moves for accord PROGRESSIVES ASK PEACE WITH SOVIET
Propose Our Taking Initiative in Recognizing 'New China,' Outlawing Atomic Bomb
1939Year Norwegian freighters Kvernaas and Brott reptd held by Germans NAZIS SEEK TRADE OF SCANDINAVIANS
Propose Pact for Germany to Take All Goods Blockade Keeps From Britain DANES REJECT SOVIET BID Refuse to Supply Ships for Timber Traffic--Russians Detain British Vessels