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Mayor and Wife Among Dinner Hosts at Waldorf-Astoria

1935Year Plans for debut under A Brico, conductor WOMEN REHEARSE ORCHESTRAL DEBUT

Mayor and Wife and Mother of President Among Sponsors of Symphony Group. FIRST CONCERT ON FEB. 18 Such an Ensemble Equal to Men Was Long Envisioned by Antonia Brico, Leader.

1926Year Attends dinner to welcome delegates returning from internatl conf in Paris WELCOME TO HOTEL MEN.

Mayor and Wife at Dinner to Greet 200 Returning Tourists.


Mayor and Wife Back in City After Florida Vacation

1934Year PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 1. -- In double celebration of the New Year and of his seventy-seventh birthday, which will be tomorrow, John Shepard Jr., Mayor of Palm Beach, with Mrs. Shepard, gave a large open-house reception today at Casa del Pastor, in accord with his long-established custom. JOHN SHEPARD JR. PALM BEACH HOST

Mayor and Wife Entertain With Large Reception for His 77th Birthday. YOUNGER SET IS HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Wait Give Dinner Dance for Children -- Other Social Events.

1936Year With Mrs LaGuardia will attend service in Collegiate Reformed Ch of St Nicholas LA GUARDIA TO HEAR DR. SIZOO'S SERMON

Mayor and Wife to Attend Today First Service Here of Pastor Called From Washington.

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