1936Year Shrewsbury School students visit N Y C 198 BRITISH HEELS COOL IN HOTEL HALL
Schoolboy Visitors Wake Up on First Day Here to Learn a Non-Shoeshine Custom.
Schoolboy Who Found Winged Pet Will Get One as Reward
1937Year If you are planning to take the youngsters to the National Sportsmen's Show this week-end and want to give them an extra thrill or two, try to get one of the New Brunswick guides over to a quiet corner and have him spin some yarns about bears for wide-eyed Johnny and Jim. Some of them will do it, too. Wood, Field and Stream
Schoolboy Will Compete Big Increase in Bears Conservation Is Urged
1936Year Feller will ask $20,000 salary Feller, Losing $100,000 Chance, Is 'Glad'
Schoolboy Will Demand $20,000 as Salary
1932Year SKANEATELES, N.Y., June 24 -- The schoolboy racers stole the thunder from the collegians today in the opening program of the third annual Eastern intercollegiate outboard championships on Lake Skaneateles. HATCHITT EXCELS IN OUTBOARD MEET
Schoolboy Wins Five Heats on First Day of Title Regatta on Lake Skaneateles. FIRESTONE IS COLLEGE ACE Princeton Driver Tallies 1,741 Points to Put Team at Top -- Yale In Second Place.
1960Year BALTIMORE, Jan. 9 -- Herman Johnson, a 17-year-old Plainfield (N.J.) high school senior, opened the major indoor track season of 1960 tonight by placing first in the 60-yard high hurdles of an Eastern indoor meet. Schoolboy Takes Baltimore Hurdles