1929Year Professor's pro-Magyar activities, and the high-treason accusation they brought about, outlined in lr from C Ihrisky THE CASE OF BELA TUKA.
Protest Against His Arrest Called Part of Political Game.
1960Year A Gutierrez says forces Cuba to weigh other plans for imports Castro Rejects U.S. Note As Aggressive and Crude
Protest Against Hostile Cuban Actions Sharply Condemned -- Premier Again Charges Attack Is Planned CASTRO CONDEMNS U.S. PROTEST NOTE
1925Year Public forces restoration of lower fares on Sunday, by boycott PARIS BOYCOTTS BUSES.
Protest Against Increased Sunday Fares Is Successful.
1947Year blacksmiths join strike
protest against inexperienced stable hands indicated; racing unaffected BLACKSMITHS JOIN HIALEAH WALKOUT; ' Green' Stable Help Blamed -- Stan Tracy Beats Blue Sash in Race on Turf Course
1972Year 1,600 reprs of black, Spanish‐speaking and white ethnic community groups representing most of major cities of US and a number of medium‐sized ones meet in Chicago
protest against institutions responsible for systematic destruction of large areas of central cities; say enemy is combination of FHA, real estate, lending and insurance interests; score abandonment and decay of housing, disclosures of gross fraud, profiteering by real estate interests and indifference of suburbanites to plight of central city residents; call FHA largest force in deterioration of neighborhoods, saying it destroys free choice of housing for minority groups and is tool of unethical real estate brokers; FHA sent no repr; Fed Ins Admr Bernstein is booed; Dem Pres candidates Sen McGovern and Sen McCarthy attend meeting; blacks defeat resolution by white group to stop all FHA activities for 6 months; Urban Ethnic Affairs dir Msgr Baroni sums up skepticism about reform and FHA; says whole new instrument is needed to deal with housing problems of central city 1,600 From Ethnic Groups Organize Protest Against Institutions They Say Are Destroying Central Cities
1921Year CINCINNATI, Ohio, Feb. 3.--Members of the Women Voters' League are protesting vigorously against the "invitation extended to Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of The Nation, to speak before the Woman's City Club. CINCINNATI WOMEN OBJECT TO VILLARD
Protest Against Invitation to Editor of Nation to Address the City Club.