1943Year III/
1926Year Testimony that fish prices increased 100% since existence of Corp, at first hearing on investigation, held in Bklyn Supreme Court Bldg
S Einstoss denounced; testimony by W Hellman, O Finkelstein, and S Adelstein; statement by A J Halprin, Core's atty 100% PRICE RISE LAID TO A FISH MONOPOLY; Organizer of Corporation Forced Dealers to Join, Witness at state Hearing Says. CORNERED' SALMON OUTPUT Einstoss Then Flooded City With Low-Priced Fish to End Competition, the Witness Declares.
1944Year B Westermann Co, NY publishers, indicted on charges of failure to register as Ger Govt agent, Wash, DC
S Eisele, pres, accused of aiding and abetting co Firm Here Called Reich Agent
1962Year Nixon attends All-Repub Conf, Eisenhower Gettysburg farm
s Eisenhower Bids Business Aid G.O.P. as Its Party; Limits for Government EISENHOWER ASKS FOR BUSINESS AID Criticizes Congress Uneasiness Noted 'Old Home Week' Former Chairman Attends Citizens' Committee Formed
1963Year gets hon degree, Calif U
s EISENHOWER HAILS COLLEGES OF U.S.; Calls Them First Line of Defense--Gets Degree
1956Year Eisenhower opens Washington Pageant of Peace by lighting White House tree
s Eisenhower Lights Yule 'Peace' Tree; PRESIDENT LIGHTS A TREE FOR PEACE Mrs. Eisenhower Attends