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1956Year A couple celebrating its "third wedding anniversary," a brotherand-sister pair, and a dental equipment manufacturer and his partner captured the top awards in the dance competition of the thirty-fifth annual Middle Atlantic figure skating championships at Iceland yesterday. REISS TEAM WINS SKATING LAURELS

Husband-Wife Pair Captures Middle Atlantic Award in Senior Dance Contest Third Successive Year Runners-Up for Title

1965Year J A Kemper Jr and wife, partners in J A Kemper & Co, censured and fined by NYSE for violating special capital rule BIG BOARD LEVIES TWO $10,000 FINES

Husband-Wife Partners of Kemper &. Co. Censured BIG BOARD LEVIES TWO $10,000 FINES

1986Year It used to be accepted wisdom that husband-and-wife partnerships were not in general effective at the bridge table. Emotional factors, it was thought, made cool judgment difficult to achieve. Recent evidence, however, suggests the contrary. A married couple can choose to devote some spare time to the task of forging an efficient partnership and practicing their bidding. Bridge

Husband-Wife Partnerships Scoring Success in Tourneys

1966Year VICTOR and Jacqui Mitchell, two of New York's leading bridge experts, captured the master pair title at the Eastern regional championships here Saturday. It is rare that a married couple wins an event of such importance. The Flight B winners. Bridge:

Husband-Wife Team Captures Title in Master Pair Event

1953Year HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Jan. 18 -- Garson Kanin and his wife, Ruth Gordon, have delivered to Columbia Pictures the second in a series of original screen plays they recently contracted to write for the studio. KANINS COMPLETE 'NAME FOR HERSELF'

Husband-Wife Team Delivers Second Original Film Play In Deal With Columbia

1956Year Paul and Paula Kann Valar have been co-directors of the Franconia (N.H.) Ski School at Cannon Mountain since Sept. 1, 1950. Between seasons, this husband-wife team operates a 285acre dairy farm. Mountainview, near Wallingford, Vt. Ski News and Notes

Husband-Wife Team Directs School Birth of a Nickname Danger After the Jump A New Kandahar Race Special Olympic Flight

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