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1936Year Now that June is getting along, the Times Square mortality rate goes higher. Three shows are scheduled to depart from Broadway tonight and one of the WPA's more popular attractions leaves Harlem. In addition, the Theatre Guild has now set the final dates for all three of its attractions, making a gruesome list that reads like this: NEWS OF THE STAGE

Several Shows Close or Start Summer Vacation This Evening -- Plans and Promises.

2005Year Documentary television shows take various approaches to covering Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath

several shows noted; photo (M) For Documentary Programs, Quest Is for Storm Context

1956Year Art events this week include the Whitney Museum's annual exhibition of sculpture, watercolors and drawings and several group and one-man shows of sculpture

several shows of work by European artists in the modern movement; an exhibition of... SHOW AT WHITNEY ON NEW ART LIST; Museum's Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Work Opens Wednesday

1990Year At first, William Klein's 1980 documentary "The Little Richard Story" suggests that there may be too many Little Richards, as it glimpses one impersonator after another. Waiting patiently, they wear numbered signs and trade hints and Richardisms (cries of "Whooooooo!" are everywhere). "You ain't got the Little Richard scream," one is chided. "Richard never faced the piano, he always faced the audience, so that's what you got to do," another is told. Whenever the confusion threatens to become overwhelming, rip-roaring television clips of the real Richard serve as reminders that there is, after all, only one. But later in the film, even this notion is called into question. The actual Little Richard, who cooperated with the film makers briefly but then changed his mind and cut off contact with them, appears only fleetingly in a newly somber incarnation. He sits behind a desk in a business suit and sings "When the Saints Go Marching In," and later on appears as the pitchman for a white-run business manufacturing garish Bibles for black customers. All this suggests that there may be no true Little Richard after all. Review/Film

Several Sides Of Little Richard

1942Year The names of several new tenants have been added to the tenant roster of London Terrace, large housing development on West Twenty-third Street. The latest rentals were announced by William A. White Sons, agents, as follows: H. Rawlins Overton, Andrew Costa, James J. French, Lieutenant William E. Lowe, Bernice Seaver, Alfred J. Peterson, Nicholas G. Demy, Eric Johnson, Mrs. Janna W. Cruikshank, Lieut. Col. Paul C. Ashworth, Robert S. Ward and G. Wilber Read. TENANTS ATTRACTED TO LONDON TERRACE

Several Sign New Leases in the W. 23d St. Development

1977Year Op-Ed article on US dealings with USSR, in form of excerpts from statement by Amer Com on US-Soviet Relations, suggesting ways to improve ties, and by Com on Present Danger, warning of Soviet world domination goal

several signers of each listed; cartoon On U.S. Dealings With the Soviet Union

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