1938Year comment in rr circles RAILROAD CIRCLES HAIL BOARD'S PLAN
Most Proposals Are Like Those Suggested by Well-Wishers of Carriers HIGHWAY RULES ASSAILED Managements Say Regulation of Buses and Trucks Has Not Gone Far Enough Rate-Making Rules Criticized Reorganizations Are Few Holds Labor Problem "Sidestepped"
1998Year United States national security apparatus has permanent infrastructure that focuses solely on preparing wide array of military responses to international crises
most proposals are so drastic that few are taken seriously by senior policy-makers or President; specter of past failures, bias in favor of use of of overwhelming force to minimize US casualties and demands for nearly perfect intelligence about target heavily influence such planning; photo (M) The World: Passing the Laugh Test; Pentagon Planners Give New Meaning to 'Over the Top'
1965Year Johnson, having sent most of program to Cong, to concentrate on its passage PRESIDENT TURNS TO PASSING BILLS
Most Proposals for Session Have Been Submitted
1953Year Rome conf ends
most proposals of Ad Hoc Assembly accepted; summary EUROPEAN CHARTER ADVANCED IN ROME; Delegates of Six Countries Complete Preliminary Work on Political Community
1934Year With Christmas just a week away, and children straggling home for the holidays, the proprietors of puppet shows and other juvenile enticements are planning their entertainment. Most of them will manage to give three or four performances in the mornings or afternoons of Christmas week, and at the moment the schedule looks something like this: PUPPET-SHOWINGS TO AMUSE CHILDREN
Most Proprietors of Juvenile Entertainment Plan Many Holiday Performances. NOVEL CARNIVAL ARRANGED Circus, Charlie Chaplin and Walt Disney Films Will Feature Carnegie Hall Event.
1921Year John Harden of Oklahoma City, who is at the Hotel Atsor, says that Oklahoma is in wondertul condition since the recent increase in the price of oil. OKLAHOMA'S GOING STRONG.
Most Prosperous State in the Union, Says Visitor.