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1999Year A M Rosenthal, in last column that he will write for New York Times, discusses his career at newspaper as reporter, editor and columnist

says he is leaving Times with sadnesses but proud that he had important role in world's best newspaper (M) On My Mind; Please Read This Column!

2003Year Joseph DeLappe, artist and professor at University of Nevada, Reno, combines characters from Friends, television sitcom, with Quake III Arena, ultraviolent computer game, in an online performance in which audience can take part via instant-message system

says he is less interested in cultural criticism than in establishing Internet as new kind of theater (M) Take That, Monica! Kapow, Chandler!

1957Year Nixon denies Pres must consider resigning, news conf

says he is like 'caged lion', mind 'sharp as ever,' A NEW SPOKESMAN; Nixon Denies Report Eisenhower Weighs Plan to Resign Nixon Sees President Nervous at First NIXON NOW SPEAKS FOR WHITE HOUSE President is Painting No Decision on NATO

1931Year Gandhi expected to sail for London conf on Aug 15 GANDHI DUE TO SAIL AUG. 15

Says He Is Likely to Go If No Further Party Difficulties Arise.

2005Year Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean calls on House majority leader Tom DeLay to step down pending outcome of inquiries into his actions

says he is likely to go to jail over ethical transgressions; uses DeLay as example of 'abuse of power' he says now permeates Washington (M) Dean, Feisty and Unbowed, Stands By Words on DeLay

2001Year Harvey Araton Sports of The Times column praises Toronto Raptors player Vince Carter

says he is linchpin of team; photo (M ) Sports of The Times; Carter Passes a Big Test By Elevating His Game

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