1929Year Sen Sackett will resign to become Amb to Germany SACKETT TO RESIGN AS SENATOR SOON
President's Choice for Ambassador to Germany RealignsKentucky Election Plans.NEXT MOVE FROM BERLINHoover Has Selected Two Senatorsand Dawes for His 3 LeadingDiplomatic Posts. More Selections Rumored. Second Committee Vacancy. Berlin Paper Comments.
1941Year leaves for Wash to conf with officials SWOPE LEAVES SAN JUAN
President's Choice for Governor Flies to Washington
President's Choice of Ex-Oklahoma Cowboy Gives Place in Cabinet to the South. NOMINATION SPED TO SENATE Appointee, a "New Patriot" and Self-Made Man, Decorated for War Exploits. One of the Original Hoover Men. Colonel Hurley's Career. HURLEY APPOINTED SECRETARY OF WAR Service in World War.
1953Year Brownell says nominees for US Atty or Asst US Atty must end outside practice before taking office LUMBARD VETERAN IN THE LEGAL FIELD
President's Choice to Succeed Lane Has Served Before in Prosecutor's Office
1960Year apptmt approved, com 5 NOMINEESN FACE DELAY IN SENATE
President's Choices for Posts on Regulatory Agencies Are Held Up in Committee
1950Year Pres Urriolagoitia pledges free elections, '51 BOLIVIANS PROMISED VOTE
President's Christmas Message Pledges Free Election in '51