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1968Year Glassen, in lr to Natl Rifle Assn's 900,000 members, urges them to counter rising pub pressure for stricter gun controls with barrage of mail in opposition

holds right of sportsmen is threatened; revives argument that regis is but a 1st step toward elimination of private ownership of arms; Tydings charges 'lobbyists' are again starting a campaign of hysteria; says proposed curbs will not jeopardize any rights of sportsmen or other Amers; holds secret meeting with leading Washington lobbyists of labor, religion and other fields to draft strategy on pushing control legis through Cong; Sen Williams and Tydings rept receipt of heavy mail backing tighter controls; Sen Magnuson, chmn of Commerce Com which has blocked control legis, says he has switched position and will accept tighter controls; ACLU backs strong controls Rifle Group Mounts Drive Against Gun Controls; 900,000 Members Are Urged to Counter Rising Public Pressure for Curbs

1975Year R Baker comment on ‘wing motion’ in Repub party, which has been stimulated by suspicion that Pres Ford may not run for Pres in ‘76

holds right wing is conservative as is liberal wing; notes positions of Sen B Goldwater, ex‐Gov Ronald Reagan and Vice Pres Rockefeller Not Those Old Wings Again!

1963Year R Wilkins says Negroes will not vote for Sen Goldwater for Pres because he believes rights issues should be handled by states, radio int

holds rights bill without sec desegregating pub accommodations 'highly unsatisfactory,' GOLDWATER STAND ON RIGHTS SCORED; Wilkins Asserts Home-Rule View Bars Negro Support Fears 'Unsatisfactory' Bill

1968Year Royal Comm on Trade Unions and Employers Associations, apptd by Govt in '65, repts 'central defect in indus relations is disorder in factory and workshop relations and pay structure'

holds rigid indus-wide collective agreements lead to short wildcat strikes; urges complete overhaul of collective bargaining with locally negotiated co and factory agreements as basis of indus relations and creation of indus relations comm to investigate disputes; rejects proposed legal curbs on wildcat strikes; union leader F Cousins lauds comm for stand on 'voluntary system of collective bargaining' but Confed of Brit Industries disapproves LOCAL UNION PACTS URGED IN BRITAIN; Panel Urges Less Stress on National Contracts

1997Year Prof Christopher Lingle and Teresa Wyszomierski article deplores poor handling of Southeast Asia's currency and stock market turmoil by region's leaders

holds rigidity of region's political and cultural institutions prevents emergence of world-class leaders; drawing (M)t VIEWPOINT; Failing To Grab A Tiger By the Tail

1959Year Powell to tighten discipline

holds riot aimed at disguising escape attempt CRACKDOWN BEGUN IN MONTANA PRISON

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