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2000Year Strike by janitors in Fairfield County, Conn, against contractors that clean commercial buildings is expected to expand to 500 workers by this weekend and to almost 1,000 by end of next week

Service Employees International Union officials comment (M) Janitors' Strike Grows in Connecticut's Commercial Buildings

2006Year What's Offline column

Service Employees International Union president Andrew L Stern envisions federation of worldwide unions organized by sector; says it will lift living standards of workers by working with entire industries instead of individual companies; holds that strikes would be more effective because it would affect international trade; research by Mercer Human Resource Consulting shows that only 20 percent of 100 largest United States public companies discuss human resources in reports to shareholders; figure is surprising since large companies spend average of 36 percent of revenue on employees according to HR Magazine; Jennifer Kahn writes in Wired magazine that number of patients willing to sign up for clinical drug trials is extremely low; pharmaceutical industry needslarge numbers of human test patients to prove safety of medication; drug companies are beginning to look overseas for willing participants in countries like India, China and Brazil; consulting firm McKinsey estimates market in India for outsourced trials will reach $1.5 billion by 2010; photo (M) Outsourcing the Picket Line

2002Year Clerical, maintenance and other other union workers go on strike at three Manhattan campuses of Yeshiva University

Service Employees International Union seeks large wage rise to help workers catch up with employees at Yeshiva's Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx(S) Metro Briefing | New York: Manhattan: Yeshiva University Strike

2006Year Hundreds of nurses are locked out of two Las Vegas hospitals over failed contract negotiations

Service Employees International Union, which represents them, called for strike initially but said it would stand down if state leaders ask for mediation after cooling-off period (M) 2 Las Vegas Hospitals Bar Nurses in Contract Dispute

1999Year Gus Bevona retires as president of union local representing New York City janitors and elevator operators under pressure from parent union, Service Employees International Union, which is annoyed with his $450,000 salary, lavish life style and local's failure to reverse its membership losses

Service Employees president Andrew Stern places local into trusteeship; pledges organizing and political efforts; Bevona agrees to step down in elaborate deal that involves dissidents dropping suit charging he misused union money (M) Union Official Retires Under Pressure


Service Employes Agree to the Request of State Board

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