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1998Year Ruth Reichl Critic's Notebook on 1998 food scene, when booming economy emboldened chefs to rise to new levels and a number of fine new restaurants opened in New York

list of Reichl's choice of eleven best new restaurants of 1998; photo (M) The Coming of Age of American Restaurants

1980Year ALBANY, June 15 A look at the State Senate and Assembly payrolls shows that they include at least 37 relatives, former legislators, former state commissioners and Democratic Party and Republican Party leaders among the 3,928 employees. Their salaries range from $45,000 a year to $45 a week for part-time work. The Legislative Payroll Still Has a Place for a Friend

List of Relatives on Payroll Ex-Assemblymen on Payroll Democratic Aides on Payroll G.O.P. Leaders With Jobs

1941Year Business leasing transactions with concerns in a variety of commercial lines in many areas of the city were reported yesterday by brokers and agents. VARIETY FEATURES BUSINESS LEASES

List of Rentals Covers Many Areas in the City

1933Year list of reopened Phila banks

list of reopened banks in Pittsburgh and other Pa cities Deposits Heavy at Philadelphia.

1932Year Poll shows many members of Cong opposed to extension of moratorium

list of replies MANY FAYOR SHOW-DOWN; BURDEN WOULD FALL HERE Dill Would Tell Foreign Debtors to Pay Up or Repudiate. Higher Taxes Foreseen Unless Payments Are Made Promptly. SEES BAR TO FUTURE LOANS REVISION HAS BACKERS McKellar Says Allies Have Combined to Demand Agreed Repudiation.' Several Would Favor New Deal if Money Due Is Paid Dec. 15. IGNORING OUR GENEROSITY HOOVER POSITION AWAITED Vandenberg Would Consider Lump-Sum Composition in Each Case. Some Members Hope President and Roosevelt Will Agree on Plan Tuesday.

1947Year ILO: US State and Labor Depts name delegation to represent Govt, labor and indus at Geneva conf

list of reprs, alternates and advisers; CIO not represented, R J Watt of AFL represents labor U.S. NAMES STAFFS FOR ILO SESSIONS; State and Labor Departments Ready for Geneva Parley -- CIO Not Represented

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