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1972Year T Anderson, elected recently as Amer party natl chmn, says on Dec 3 that party will not back Gov Wallace for Pres in '76

says Wallace has blocked grass-roots development of party; T C Andrews Jr, previous natl chmn, says party is no longer tool of Wallace American Party Chiefs Bar A 1976 Drive For Wallace

1968Year latest Gallup poll (conducted Oct 3-12) finds Humphrey is making some progress but says Nixon holds 43-31% lead nationally over Humphrey

says Wallace is holding firm at 30%; table shows trend since Sept 3-7; officials of Gallup and Harris orgns defend results of their latest polls even though figures vary widely Gallup Poll Shows A Humphrey Gain; Nixon Leads, 43-31; GALLUP POLL FINDS A HUMPHREY GAIN

1948Year N Thomas urges R G Tugwell to bolt Progressives on Communist control issue, lr

says Wallace Louisville s aim was to reassure Tugwell BOLT BY TUGWELL URGED; Thomas Calls Upon Him to Quit as Supporter of Wallace

1972Year Fla black delegate to Dem Conv N E Jones urges blacks to support Dem Pres aspirant Gov G C Wallace

says Wallace offers blacks 100% Americanism; calls late Rev Dr M L King Jr and NAACP leader R Wilkins 'creations' of white liberals DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION

1972Year Prof B M Gross lr questioning income figures in Prof Wallich Feb 12 Op‐Ed page article on world econ growth

says Wallich's figure of $10,000 for avg Amer family income actually represents median family income; holds avg income would result in much higher figure; drawing Letters to the Editor

2002Year Editorial Observer by Steven R Weisman says Israel is contemplating building security fence and military checkpoints for Palestinians wishing to enter its territory, in desperate attempt to ward off suicide bombers

says walling oneself off from enemy is not new, and Israelis studying history might conclude that walls can slow down determined enemy, but never fully work; says walls are not substitute for political accommodations, and they can serve as focus for enemy propaganda far outweighing whatever sense of security they provide; says putting up wall is not so much strategy as symbol for absence of one (M) Editorial Observer; Walls Throughout History: Built for Security but Often Victims of Strategy

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