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1927Year Contribution to N Y Botanical Garden $1,019,000 IS ADDED TO BOTANICAL FUND

Rockefeller and Harkness Gifts of $500,000 and $300,000 Head the List. THE GARDEN WILL EXPAND President Lee Announces Plans to Make It Foremost Institution of Its Kind In World.

1958Year At NYS Legis Correspondents dinner and show MILLIONAIRES PUT IN ELECTION ROLES

Rockefeller and Harriman Lampooned as Candidates in State Reporters' Show

1961Year pors and illus G.O.P. Danger Signals

Rockefeller and His Party Would Risk Trouble Next Year by Ignoring Them

1960Year Natl Urban League Two Friends Award INEQUALITY ASSAILED

Rockefeller and Jamaica's Chief Call Race Issue Vital

1965Year Javits to be Lindsay's campaign chmn, R Price campaign mgr

Rockefeller and Javits conf, Washington; Rockefeller sees fusion strengthening ticket; says party should not 'go out to get racial ticket,' reply to query on putting Negro on slate; Lindsay s on poll tax and narcotics, Bklyn Bedford-Stuyvesant sec LINDSAY TO GIVE JAVITS KEY ROLE; Senator Is Expected to Be Chairman of Campaign -- Governor Will Aid LINDSAY TO GIVE JAVITS KEY ROLE

1962Year speculation on whether hatters union failure to invite Rockefeller and Javits to conv is clue to Liberal party stand HAT UNION OMITS 2 G.O.P. SPEAKERS

Rockefeller and Javits not Invited to Convention

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