1945Year Buys Logan Dept Store LOGAN STORE SOLD
Property in Chicago Bought by Goldblatt Bros.
Property in Connecticut Noted for Its Gardens
1944Year The five-story walk-up containing eighty-six apartments and ten stores at 398 East 152d Street, the Bronx, has been bought by Morris and Samuel Resnik from clients of Goodman Mabel, attorneys. It is on a plot 150 by 130 feet and has an annual rental of $50,000. It is assessed for $265,000. Rubin Nason were the brokers. 86-SUITE WALK-UP PURCHASED IN BRONX
Property in E. 152d St. Has a $50,000 Rent Roll
1958Year The five-story apartment house at 685 East 183d Street has been sold by Lomar Realty Company to Louis Willinger. The building, on a plot 83 by 100 feet, contains forty-three apartments. The deal was made for cash over mortgages of $122,500. APARTMENT HOUSE IS TAKEN BRONX
Property in East 183d St. Changes Hands -- Decatur Avenue Deal Listed
1958Year A six-story building containing 100 apartments at 220 East Eighteenth Street, Brooklyn, was sold by the Realty Equities Corporation to William Michaelman for investment. It was sold subject to first and second mortgages amounting to $490,000. APARTMENT HOUSE SOLD IN BROOKLYN
Property in East 18th Street in Deal -- Investor Takes 16-Family Dwelling
1928Year Buys Ch of Heavenly Rest, Chapel of Beloved Disciple and other parish bldgs OLD CHURCH SOLD BY HEAVENLY REST
Property in East 89th Street Transferred to Reformed Church of Harlem. TITLE TO PASS ON FEB. 15 Price, Including That for Chapel, Is $425,000--Aids Financing of New Edifice.