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1930Year Two-way beam communication with England completed RADIO SYSTEM COMPLETED.

Japan and England Now Have TwoWay Beam Communication Link. Night Club Queen" Freed.

1999Year World Trade Organization rules in interim decision that Canadian law permitting Ford Motor Co, General Motors Corp and DaimlerChrysler to import vehicles into Canada without paying duty violates fair trade practices

Japan and European Union had challenged 1956 law because Canada imposes 6.5 percent import duty on other car makers; final ruling is due on Nov 25, but it can be appealed (S) CANADIAN AUTO PACT THREATENED

1953Year pact signed TRADE COMPACT SIGNED

Japan and Formosa Agree on $75,000,000 Yearly Deal

1934Year Poland opposes permanent Council seat

Japan and Germany concerned over entry GENEVA PUZZLED BY POLISH STAND; League Sees an Obstacle to Entry of Soviet to High Place on the Council. WARSAW PAPER HOSTILE Gazeta Polska Fears Danger to Peace of Europe in Proposed 'Nebulous Treaties.'

1921Year CHICAGO, Ill., July 19.--Heavy buying of wheat futures for seaboard account turned a weak market into a strong and advancing one, and with many of the local professionals disposed to reinstate lines sold out on the recent bulge, a break of to 1 cents was ... WHEAT MARKET UP ON EXPORT BUYING

Japan and Germany Taking Much Grain--With the Heavy Demand From Abroad, $1.75 Wheat Is Predicted.

1942Year Repts on foreign dollar bonds, 1941 BONDS IN DEFAULT PURCHASED HERE

Japan and Germany Top List of Countries Repatriating Own Securities

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