1933Year Jews in Williamsburg, Bklyn, protest BROOKLYN JEWS PROTEST.
Meeting in Williamsburg Adopts Boycott Resolutions.
1936Year Govt calls parley of growers, millers and dealers GRAIN CONFERENCE CALLED BY CANADA
Meeting in Winnipeg Feb. 25 to Pave Way for Resumption of Private Export Sale.
1923Year reception to Gov Smith at Albany
meeting incidental to convention SMITH WINS CHEERS OF WOMEN VOTERS; Governor Tells League the State Government Should Be Reorganized.
2001Year State Department talks with 15 Arab envoys and gives their governments stark choice of joining international coalition against terrorism or risking isolation in growing global conflict following attacks against US
meeting includes Syria, long on US terrorist list; Congress approves resolution giving Pres Bush power to use 'all necessary and appropriate force' in response to terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon; vote is 98-0 in Senate and 420-1 in House, with California Repr Barbara J Lee dissenting out of concern about open-ended war without clear target; Bush gives Pentagon authority to activate 50,000 reserve troops for aerial patrols and security work at US bases overseas; Asst Sec William J Burns tells Arab envoys that new coalition embraces 'all civilizations,' not only West; Prime Min Ariel Sharon tells Bush Israel is skeptical about enlisting Syria and Palestinian Authority (M) U.S. Demands Arab Countries 'Choose Sides'
1971Year Faulkner to meet Heath, London
meeting increases concern among moderates in Ulster over differences between Belfast and London on how 12,000 troops stationed in Ulster should combat IRA terrorism HEATH AND FAULKNER TO TALK TOMORROW
1938Year F Bow, counsel for Central Council of Republic Steel Corp, plans natl council of independent unions
meeting Independent Unions Form Body