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1949Year Govt-controlled press attacks US films

praises USSR film output Czech Press Hits U. S. Films

1938Year E Browder denounces Munich settlement

praises USSR for supporting treaty BLOW TO U. S. JEWS SEEN BY BROWDER; Anti-Semitism Is Growing Rapidly Here, He Declares at Rally of 22,000

1938Year Por Address of Justice Hughes at Law Institute

Praises Van Devanter Learning- Cites Defects in Procedure Attacks Technical Obstruction Recalls Court's Procedure Study Finds More Courts Current Calls Able Judge First Requisite Cites Growth of Agencies Says People Still Look to Courts Declares Judge Is Responsible

1997Year Pres Clinton leaves Venezuela for Brazil on second leg of South American trip

praises Venezuela for efforts to open economy and to permit private investments in nationalized industries; arrives in Brazil, where he predicts he will ultimately win enhanced authority from Congress to negotiate trade deals in Latin America and worldwide; extends hand of friendship and partnership to Brazil, with which he says US shares vision of better tomorrow; photo (M) Clinton Says He'll Win New Powers For Trade

1999Year James C Furlong letter says issue of sprawl should interest all who care about America's endangered natural beauty and its shrinking economic and municipal diversity

praises Vice Pres Gore for vision and courage in raising such issues Suburbs Enter the Presidential Race

1928Year Admires Dawes melody played by M Lusk at private recital MUSSOLINI ADMIRES DAWES VIOLIN MELODY

Praises Vice President's Piece Played by Lusk--Asks 'Who Is Smith and Who Is Hoover.'

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