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2005Year Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, addressing gathering coinciding with Group of 7 meeting in London, acknowledges that US's expanding trade deficits and foreign indebtedness have reached record levels but says deficit might be poised to stabilize and even fall

says deregulation and technological innovation have driven globalization process by tearing down barriers that have separated economic agents; Bank of England governor Mervyn King says international monetary system could be threatened by presistent deficits in US and accumulation of vast dollar assets by Asian central banks; photo (M) Greenspan Says Trade Gap May Narrow

1977Year Pres Carter denies their estimate, July 12 news conf

says deregulation will cost over $70-billion and increase production by only 1.1-trillion cu ft; close vote expected when HR Commerce Com takes up Repr Robert Krueger's deregulation proposal; Repr James C Wright Jr reptdly seeks Adm support for proposal advanced by Repr Martin A Russo, which would tie gas prices to certain oil prices; proposal would result in ceiling on gas prices of about $2 a thousand cu ft at the outset, and about $2.35 after 3 or 4 yrs, compared with $1.75 a thousand cu ft under Carter proposal (M) Carter Says Deregulation of Gas Would Add $70 Billion to Costs

1977Year Sen James Abourezk article defends filibuster he and Sen Howard Metzenbaum led against natural-gas deregulation

says deregulation will have direct cost of $160-billion by '90 over and above even Carter Adm's pricing plan and will have incalcuable ripple effect on econ; says it will increase production by no more than 5%; says filibuster was necessary because issue should not be left to conf com, which may be stacked in favor of deregulation, or to Pres veto, since Pres Carter has switched positions on question already; says filibuster has had worthwhile result of increasing public awareness of issue and of reawakening liberal sentiment in Sen; cartoon Natural Gas And the Filibuster

2002Year Editorial urges Congress to take fresh look at media ownership rules in wake of ruling by Washington, DC, federal court nullifying FCC's cross-ownership rule

says deregulaton has thus far been disjointed process that has produced patchwork of uneven and inequitable regulation, and that more holistic approach is needed (M) Protecting Media Diversity

1998Year Prof Frank Partnoy Op-Ed article examines recent collapse of Long-Term Capital Management LP, hedge fund that bought and sold derivatives representing $1.25 trillion of underlying securities

says derivatives have played important behind-the-scenes role in recent financial market manias, panics and crashes and that no one understands how or why (M) Playing Roulette With the Global Economy

1953Year says Army hounded him

says derogatory, data followed him from camp to camp, led to his confinement in psychiatric ward; charges he was detained in stockade without being told reason PROVOO CONTENDS ARMY HOUNDED HIM; Ex-Sergeant Testifies Sheaf of Derogatory Papers Followed Him From Camp to Camp

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