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1934Year 17 members of Nazi Black Front on trial in Vienna on charges of belonging to secret soc

members deny movement is connected with Austrian politics ANTI-HITLER NAZIS ARE TRIED IN VIENNA; 17 Members of Black Front Deny Plotting to Interfere in the Politics of Austria.

1927Year Resigns as sec to Rev J R Straton CALVARY POSTPONES STRATON INQUIRY

Members Deny Pastor Has Been Ordered to Return From Georgia -- Secretary Quits.

1925Year Observations on work as play juror PLAY JURORS TELL HOW THEY JUDGED

Members Describe Experience in Passing On Broadway Dramas

1970Year Joint Cong subcom to study need for 3d nuclear aircraft carrier costing $640-million

members described as generally pro-mil; critics are expected to wage fight on floors of both Cong houses as they did last yr when amendment was passed guaranteeing joint study before any more ships were built; Sec Laird assures Cong that none of $152-million he is requesting will be obligated until study is completed; criticism of fleet detailed CONGRESS PANEL STUDIES CARRIER

1925Year British Cabinet said to be at odds on offer BRITISH CABINET AT ODDS.

Members Differ on French War Debt Offer, It Is Said.

1960Year Euromkt split over French demand that former colonies benefit after tariff cuts planned by Euromkt COMMON MARKET SPLIT ON AFRICA

Members Differ on Whether the Former French States Should Get Tariff Cuts

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