1970Year Dr J H Ryther of Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst, challenges repeated predictions of demographers that ocean can always produce enough fish to meet protein needs of world
his rept, based on 2 decades of studies made on voyages on inst ships, contends 90% of world's oceans are 'a biological desert' and 'will always be relatively useless as food source; says remaining 10% of oceans where rich fisheries are situated, are probably being fished to maximum efficiency now; other findings in studies noted SEA IS DISCOUNTED AS SOURCE OF FOOD
1951Year GB reptd refusing Amb Castiella as Amb to GB
his reptd anti-Brit, pro-Nazi leanings cited; apptmt held sign of Gen Franco refusal to assuage Western Powers Honored for 33 Years As Educator in Nursing; BRITISH SAID TO BAR ENVOY FROM SPAIN Castiella, Who Helped Nazis, Is Reported as Rejected for Anti-London Stand Held Notice to Britain
1967Year NYS Gov Rockefeller's nephew Laurance to live and work in E Harlem, NYC, as VISTA aide
his repts are called 'avg' by orgn repr Nephew of Governor Is Moving To Home in East Harlem Slum; Laurance, 24, Is Given Task of Tactfully Advancing Vista Self-Help Plan
1938Year Asked by J Burke to quit as Repub natl committeeman designate SIMPSON IS URGED BY BURKE TO RESIGNI
His Republican Adversary Sees 'Stupid Leadership'
2003Year Government of British Prime Min Tony Blair has been barraged with angry accusations that it misled Parliament and public by embellishing evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, but Pres Bush has laregley brushed off questions about the intelligence as work of 'revisionist historians'
his Republican allies, unlike Blair's divided Labor Party, have managed to keep Congressional hearings behind closed doors and protective press aides have been successful at shielding him from many questions; photo (M) Bush Escapes Fury That Batters Blair
2006Year Illinois Gov Rod R Blagojevich, citing high fuel costs and dependence on foreign oil, will announce $1.2 billion plan to overhaul state's energy sources
his Republican gubernatorial opponent Judy Baar Topinka questions his record on renewable energy and timing of announcement (M) Governor Plans an Energy Shift for Illinois