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1967Year 12 youths viewed eclipse from Empire State Bldg observation deck

illus; eclipse illus The Young Glimpse Moon in Eclipse as Elders Fail; The Young See Moon in Eclipse As Their Elders Fail to Show Up

1962Year Remington Corp, Auburn, NY, operates overtime to mfr 3,000 air conditioners for export to Kuwait

illus; econ aid to Auburn noted ORDER BY KUWAIT AIDS AUBURN, N.Y.; Big Air-Conditioner Booking Spurs Area's Economy Exports a Specialty

1970Year contrasts between opulent seaside secs populated by yachtsmen and other summer residents and W of Broadway area of minority groups and other permanent poor residents described

illus; econ difficulties of latter discussed Newport: One City for the Rich, Another for the Poor

1956Year article on increased indus use of coated fabrics for heavy duty work

illus; econ factors stressed in du Pont study Nylon Spreads Over Lands Sea and the Summer Circuit; True, It Costs More, but the Overhead Is Much Lighter Lighter, Hence Cheaper NYLON COVERING SPREADING WIDE

1966Year Deuterium of Canada NS plant nears commercial production of heavy water for use in power reactors

illus; econ impact on prov discussed Big Nuclear Project Spurring Industrial Renaissance in Nova Scotia; NUCLEAR PROJECT STIRS NOVA SCOTIA

1966Year article on Nasser regime 10 yrs after Suez-Sinai War

illus; econ problems, slowdown in revolutionary fervor discussed; achievements noted Nasser's Pan-Arabism Losing Momentum; 10 Years After Suez: Nasser and Pan-Arabism Find Fading Acceptance in Mideast

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