1937Year Restorations described (L D Lyman)
illus CHANGES IN OLD MOUNT VERNON; Restoration Program Makes the Tourist. Shrine More Closely Resemble George Washington's Home as He Himself Knew It
1931Year Change in streets in vicinity of bridge proposed
illus CHANGES IN STREETS URGED IN RIVERDALE; Bruckner's Plan Having Bearing on Proposed Hudson Bridge Discussed at Hearing.THREE PROGRAMS OFFERED Provide for Extension of Riverside Drive and Other Highways Between 236th and 252d Streets. Would Divide Riverside Drive. Opposed by Regional Plan.
1940Year 2 1939 N Y World's Fair issues re-issued in imperforate form for 1940 fair
illus CHANGES MADE BY WAR; More Than 400 Major and Minor Varieties Of Stamps Counted in Nine Months
1941Year Ethiopian King Menelik II 1896 silver coin described
illus CHANGES THROUGH WAR; New Governments in Three Countries May Soon Issue Their Own Stamps
1945Year Horse carries pilots from planes to interrogation qrs, Eur theatre
1952Year F Hoyle on theory
illus Changing Concepts Of the Universe; One astronomer discusses signs that forces of expansion and creation are in balance.