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1947Year NLRB orders reinstatement of 3 employes discharged through AFL intervention, ACWA (CIO) case against L Meier & Co, Indianapolis, who held closed-shop contract with United Garment Workers (AFL)

majority rejects R R Reynolds plea to regard union as an employer which inferred AFL responsibility for lost wages NEW ISSUE RAISED OVER CLOSED SHOP; Reynolds of NLRB Wants Union Held to Be an 'Employer' in Case Involving Rehirings

1978Year Sup Ct, 6-3, reversing ruling of US Ct of Customs and Patent Appeals, rules that computer program may not be patented if its only novel feature is mathematical formula

majority relies on long line of Sup Ct cases holding 'abstract intellectual concepts' are not patentable; case concerned improved method for monitoring permissible levels of heat, pressure and other conditions during mfg processes, such as petroleum refining, developed by Dale R Flook (M) Court Curbs Software Patents

1930Year Motor trouble keeps planes at Minot ARMY FLIERS HELD BACK.

Majority Remain at Minot, N.D., to Await Those Delayed.

1967Year Papal Comm on Birth Control majority rept, submitted to Pope in June '66 but kept secret, condemns abortion Excerpts From Majority and Minority Reports of Papal Panel on Birth Control

Majority Report

1932Year Com urges ratification for 3 yrs OTTAWA ACCORD URGED ON INDIAN ASSEMBLY

Majority Report Asks Ratification for Three Years to Assure Benefit of Preferences.

1937Year minority rept scores Amer Liberty League attitude toward Wagner Act SIT-DOWN REBUKE PUT BEFORE HOUSE

Majority Report by Labor Committee Criticizes Industrial Espionage as Well

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