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2004Year Editorial contends that report by White House science adviser John Marburger III was meant to rebut accusations that Bush administration systematically distorted or suppressed scientific information that would conflict with its policy preferences

holds that unpersuasive document was little more than attempt to put positive spin on some 'flagrant examples' of tailoring science to fit politics The Science Adviser's Rejoinder

2004Year Editorial, in series Making Votes Count, notes that there have been reports and rumors about problems with 2004 presidential election

holds that until election system is improved--with better mechanics and greater transparency--we cannot expect voters to have full confidence in results; contends that electronic voting proved to be problem; maintains that US should have elections in which public has no reason to worry whether every vote was counted properly; says there will be concern until all software used in elections is made public; asserts that besides election equipment that is easy to check for error, strongest defense against conspiracy theorists is election officials who act with openness and integrity About Those Election Results

1973Year ed, commenting on dispute between Teamsters Union and United Farm Workers Union over union representation for Calif grape pickers, notes that new dimension has been added by Farm Workers leader C Chavez's accusation that farm growers have been making illegal payments to Teamster officials

holds that until recently none of groups representing either employers or laborers have shown much interest for impartial election on what workers wanted; urges growers and unions to join in plea for an NLRB vote in grape fields after bd satisfies itself that fair choice will not be prevented by coercion from either side; notes, however, that a preliminary to any such determination must be ct action on Chavez's accusation Voice of the Migrants?

2000Year United Nations Information Center dir Catherine O'Neill letter responds to Aug 7 editorial

holds that upcoming religious summit meeting was organized by people outside of UN; says UN did not extend invitations, and cannot 'reverse itself' and invite Dalai Lama A Meeting of Faiths

1972Year NYS Correction Comr R G Oswald, in book to be published on Oct 13 entitled 'Attica—My Story,' disputes conclusion of NYS Special Com on Attica that violent outbreak at prison was spontaneous

holds that uprising was planned by committed revolutionaries in attempt to break down prison system and to challenge Amer society in gen Oswald Declares ‘Skilled’ Planning Led to Outbreak

2003Year Joe Lapointe NHL Analysis suggests that NHL could use its own version of National Invitation Tournament for teams that do not make playoffs

holds that upsets in early rounds of NHL playoffs could result in fans losing interest as playoffs progress (M) HOCKEY: N.H.L. Analysis; As Upsets Rise, Interest Wanes

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