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2001Year Four defendants in embassy bombings trial left behind staggering paper trail that spanned nearly decade and at least three continents

prosecution has switched from introducing witnesses to presenting this avalanche of documentary evidence to jury as it nears completion of its case; contents of some writings discussed (M) Reporter's Notebook; Even in Terror's Path, Batteries Die and Love Notes Flourish

1976Year bribery-conspiracy trial of Hochberg scheduled to go before State Sup Ct jury

prosecution has tried to prove that 'personal gain, profit and aggrandizement' motivated Hochberg to try to bribe Rosen; defense maintains Hochberg had 'no corrupt purpose' and may have been entrapped by Rosen; Hochberg illus (M) Jury Is Getting the Hochberg Case On Job Offer to Primary Opponent

1975Year Article on Attica prosecution seemingly running out of steam amid predictions that it might take until end of decade to unsnarl legal complexities growing out of '71 Attica inmate rebellion

prosecution head Anthony G Simonetti comments (M) Attica Prosecution Seems to Be Slowly Running Out of Steam

1960Year Trial on income tax evasion charges to start before Fed Judge Bryan, NYC

prosecution headed by Chief Asst US Atty Robson, defense by E B Williams POWELL TAX TRIAL BEGINS TOMORROW; Representative Accused in 3 Counts of Falsifying U.S. Returns in 1951-52

1953Year Gleason convicted on 4 counts

prosecution hints Sampson probe GLEASON IS GUILTY IN PERJURY TRIAL; Former Sanitation Inspector Convicted in Shakedown -Sampson Inquiry Hinted

1975Year robbery and kidnapping trial of Joseph Kallinger continues, Harrisburg, Pa

prosecution hires psychiatrist Dr John Hume to observe Kallinger during trial; Kallinger also faces extradition to NJ for murder of Maria Fasching (S) Metropolitan Briefs

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