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1952Year There was shock and dismay last week when official New York City police figures for the first six months of this year were made public. Compiled at the behest of THE NEW YORK TIMES, the figures showed an increase over the first six months of 1951 in every category of major crime, ranging from 11 per cent to nearly 50 per cent. RISING CRIME RECORD A GRAVE CITY PROBLEM

Report on First Six Months Brings Demands for Prompt Action

1937Year Improvement shown in Bd of Trade figures BRITISH BUSINESS BEST IN 8 YEARS

Report on First Ten Months of This Year Shows 21 Per Cent Improvement Over 1936

1932Year Rept for yr ended June 30 CUSTOMS RECEIPTS DOWN.

Report on Fiscal Year for Local Port Shows Huge Gold Exports.

1953Year THE importance of protecting and improving our wildlife resources in order to encourage rather than discourage the increasing ranks of outdoor enthusiasts was emphasized by the report of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which indicated an increase of more than a million hunting license sales during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1952. Wood, Field and Stream

Report on Fishing License Sales Shows Importance of Protecting Wildlife

1932Year Members of the American Football Coaches' Association are to assemble in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Pennsylvania at 2:30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon for the opening session of the association's twelfth annual meeting. SPORT GROUPS HOLD SESSIONS THIS WEEK

Report on Football Fatalities to Be Made at Gathering of Coaches' Association. N.C.A.A. WILL CONVENE Selection of Chairman of Rules Committee to Succeed the Late E. K. Hall Scheduled.

1949Year Prof E E Hoyt rept, Internatl Investment and Human Rights, discussed PLEA FOR HUMAN RIGHTS

Report on Foreign Investments Stresses People's Welfare

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