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Historical and Literary Data Realize $13,710 at First of Two Sessions $1,550 IS HIGHEST PRICE It Is Paid for Indian Deed to Land on Which the Town of Exeter Was Founded

1956Year QUEBEC'S original ventures into industry were in keeping with the agri cultural economy. They were the manufacture of crude farm implements, furniture for the farm household, textiles for clothing, drapes, carpets. Quebec Adds to Stature of Industries

Historical Arsenal

1996Year Travel article by Stephen Kinzer on his visit to Weimar, Germany

historical aspects of city detailed; map; photos (L) Where Goethe Settled In With His Muse

1923Year denies negotiations for sale of Natl Dem Clubhouse and says Saks & Co will build around it SEVEN MILES OF SILKS TO DECORATE BIG SHOW

Historical Aspects of the Industry and Brilliant Specimens of Finished Product on View.

1927Year S on Burgoyne, before N Y S Historical Assn MARK ANNIVERSARY OF FAMOUS BATTLE

Historical Association Hears New Version of Burgoyne's Defeat at Saratoga. FOUGHT 150 YEARS AGO Revolutionary Relics Abound in Flag-Draped Glens Falls as 3-Day Observance Begins.

1927Year Dinner in N Y C in honor of 190th anniversary of birth TRIBUTES TO THOMAS PAINE

Historical Association Honors IHs Memory at a Dinner.

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