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1975Year article on 'interdependence' of world econs and world trade as econ summit conf of 6 heads of state convenes at Chateau de Rambouillet near Paris

says in '74, US exports rose to 7% of GNP, while for other countries represented at summit, share of exports in GNP ranged from low of 12.3% for Japan to high of 23.2% for W Ger; notes GNP includes services as well as goods and that counting only production of goods, exports now amt to about 20% in US and as much as 45% in Italy; says figures rose because world trade has grown substantially faster than world output; notes in '60-72 period world real GNP rose avg of 5% a yr while world trade rose avg of 7.9%; notes in '73 vol of trade rose 14% more than double rise in real GNP of 6.3%, while in '74, when world econ began to slow, real GNP rose only 0.6% while vol of trade continued to expand by 6%; says recession ultimately hits trade harder than domestic output; says in 1st 6 mos of '75 IMF and GATT estimate that real vol of world trade fell by 10%, considerably more than decline in GNP in indus countries as group; says awareness of this interdependence of econs resulted in '74 trade pledge not to impose import restrictions; says decline in trade in '75 has been caused by recession, not by import curbs, and notes trade pledge has been kept despite recession and rising unemployment; notes problem created by interdependence at time of recession is major reason for gen desire of other countries that US recovery from recession be as vigorous as possible, but that Pres Ford is unlikely to promise additional stimulative measures because interdependence has its limits; revs recent speech by US Asst Sec Charles A Cooper, who argued that synchronous nature of recession was not mainly result of interdependence by simultaneous recessionary impact on all econs of outside factor of jump in oil prices; illus of Chateau de Rambouillet, site of econ summit (L) WASHINGTON REPORT

1975Year HR Select Intelligence Com Chmn Repr O G Pike rejects compromise offer from Pres Ford intended to head off contempt-of-Cong action against State Sec H A Kissinger for failure to supply information on covert intelligence operations

says in 'Dear Colleague' lr to all HR members that he will ask for contempt vote unless com opposes his position; Ford's compromise offer was to identify to HR com all US covert intelligence operations abroad since '61 that were requested by State Dept rather than by intelligence agencies; Pike says subpoena calls for all State Dept requests for information on all covert operations whether carried out or not; says State Dept originally told his com it requested information on 5 covert operations during 14 yrs but that dept has now found 25 requests regarding covert operations; Pike drops 2 other contempt citations against Kissinger; HR Speaker C Albert refuses to either back Pike or oppose him (M) Pike Spurns Ford Offer on Spy Data, Moves Against Kissinger

1972Year Cost of Living Council dir D Rumsfeld says IRS has initiated 586 investigations to see whether US cos are complying with wage and price guidelines

says in 'vast majority' of investigations completed, individuals and orgns were found to be in compliance; says IRS has investigated thousands of complaints of alleged violations and conducted thousands of random spot checks 586 Investigations by I.R.S. Reported on Prices and Pay

1976Year Sen Select Intelligence Com's rept discusses widespread and deliberate breaking of law by US intelligence community

says in ‘54, an FBI asst dir sent then‐FBI Dir J Edgar Hoover a memo recommending that FBI plant electronic listening device in hotel room of suspected Communist sympathizer; says memo said bug ‘will not be legal’ and that Hoover approved bug; rept cites testimony of William C Sullivan, FBI's dir of intelligence for 10 yrs, to show that illegality was often not even mentioned; cites other examples to show how FBI dir, dir of FBI's intelligence activities and many others could have ignored the, law; other examples cited; long FBI probe of late Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr provides more examples that involved former Attys Gen Robert F Kennedy and Nicholas deB Katzenbach and former Asst Atty Gen Burke Marshall; rept cites examples that occurred during Nixon Adm, including Nixon's own temporary approval, later rescinded, of so‐called Huston plan (L) Widespread Lawbreaking Laid to Intelligence Units

1974Year NYC Police gang intelligence Chief chief Lt Henry Murphy says 6 hard-core, antisocial youth gangs are responsible for more than half of criminal gang activity in northern Bklyn, State Select Com on Crime hearing, July 31

says in "74, there have been 191 arrests of gang members in northern Bklyn for robbery, and that robbery arrest figure for Bronx gang members through mid-July is 429; says 14-yr-olds make up largest percentage of gang members held for robbery, noting that many gangs use members under 16 to commit murders because youths get lenient treatment in cts; Sgt H Craig Collins of Bronx gang intelligence says gang incidents are declining in Bronx, citing closer police scrutiny; map shows locations of Bklyn gang hqs (M) Brooklyn Youth Cangs Concentrating on Robbery

1925Year Fitch, F W, sued for divorce and alimony in Des Moines WIFE SUES F.W. FITCH.

Says In $175,000 Suit That She Helped Make Hair Tonic Fortune.

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