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2002Year William Safire Op-Ed column says Saudi Arabia's monarchy has long been prime sponsor of radical Islamic hewing of hatred at all 'infidels'--Christians and Jews--as well as majority of Muslims who refuse to accept medieval Saudi Wahhabism

notes there are two factions of royal family that might clash when King Fahd dies, and that Crown Prince Abdullah and Prince Sultan, rivals to succeed him, are both past their prime; says royal family will have to decide whether to fight civil war, undergo revolution, or join the modern world (M) The Split in the Saudi Royal Family

1970Year Flamingos: Article on flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya

notes there are well over 1 million there, almost 1/4th of world's flamingo population; illus Equatorial Pink—The Flamingos of Kenya's Lake Nakuru

1973Year Natl Foreign Trade Council yr-end rept urges US to continue to support principle of open and non-discriminatory trade during forthcoming trade and monetary negotiations within framework of GATT

notes there can be no satisfactory internatl payments equilibrium if trade and payments are shackled by restrictions; says final agreement on monetary system cannot precede agreement, at least in principle, on rules of trade system Export Total Expected, to Set Record in '73 Despite Barriers

1975Year Vice Pres Rockefeller meets with Pres Ford and describes as 'minimal' their differences over Fed aid to NYC, holding their relationship has 'never been better'

notes there had been no advance discussion of his call for Cong action to aid NYC and that he had been speaking strictly for himself (S) Rockefeller Calls Differences With Ford ‘Minimar’

1971Year Comr Kuhn announces creation of drug educ program for clubs

notes there has been a reasonably ltd use of pills in amphetamine and barbiturate group; program, under aegis of newly formed Pro Baseball Physicians Assn, will begin in Mar with seminars for all team personnel except players; other plans Major Leagues Establish a Program to Control Taking of Drugs by Players

1978Year Comment on opening of Boettcher Concert Hall at Denver Center

notes there has been controversy over whether center is wanted in Denver; Donald Seawell, chmn of Bonfils Foundations and Denver Post, which are satellites of arts center, responds to criticism (M) Denver's First‐Night Jitters Reflect Concert Hall Debate

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