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1930Year Returns from world tour

int on Philippine situation SIXTY TO STUDY EUROPE.; Sherwood Eddy Heads Pilgrimage of Educators and Writers.

1937Year Comments on Pilot Wurster's speed record

int on plans AIR CURRENTS; How It Began

1938Year Funk returns

int on plans for trade empire NAZIS REVEAL PLAN FOR TRADE EMPIRE; Funk Envisions Self-Contained Bloc Stretching to Black Sea and Supplying Reich Needs BEGINS TASK OF FORMING IT Ministers From Belgrade, Sofia and Angora to Visit Berlin-Czechs Due This Week To Increase Farm Output Press Cites Figures Czechs to Negotiate

1970Year To retire as SLA chmn


1936Year Dems among those sending congratulations to Landon

int on plans LANDON CALLS IN HIS AIDES; Strategy, With Invasion of Enemy Country, to Be Mapped Monday. CONGRATULATIONS POUR IN Hoover, Dawes, Merriam, Mills and a Number of Democrats Pledge Their Support. KNOX WELCOMED AS ALLY They Will Renew Fight of 1912 for 'Larger Americanism,' the Governor Wires Him. FIGHTING CAMPAIGN PLANNED BY LANDON

1934Year Mack given free hand

int on plans LEGISLATORS GIVE MACK FREE HAND IN POWER INQUIRY; Committee Counsel Follows This Action by a Pledge to Spare No Official. STERN BAN ON POLITICS Light and Power Companies Will Be Investigated First -Public Hearings Deferred. FREE HAND PLEDGED MACK POWER HUNT

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