1942Year Amer Foreign Service Journal article on Murphy and staff's role in US African campaign discussed
Hull congratulatory message to Murphy revealed; Axis troops on march to prison camp, near Alexandria, Egypt, illus Praise Accorded Work of Our Diplomats In Paving Way for North African Forces
1944Year WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 -- Secretary Hull assured Governor Dewey today that the United States had never contemplated establishing a four-power military alliance to coerce the rest of the world and invited the Republican Presidential nominee to come to Washington "in a nonpartisan spirit" to discuss the security problem with him. Hull Contradicts Dewey on Parley, Hints of All-Nations Meeting in Fall
1940Year Hull denies Ital press repts that U S seeks Brit base sites in Falkland Islands off Argentina DENIES FALKLAND TALKS
Hull Contradicts Italian Story of Our Seeking Base From Britiain
1933Year Nazi press says boycott has forced U S to behave itself, and campaign against Jewish stores will end
Hull conversation cited NAZIS SEE VICTORY IN THEIR BOYCOTT; Hitlerites Now Have Excuse to End Campaign Against Stores of Jews. NAZIS SEE VICTORY IN THEIR BOYCOTT
1955Year Middlesex Trader (freighter): aground, St Lawrence River
hull cracks; cargo unloaded FREIGHTER THREATENED; Ship Aground in St. Lawrence River Develops Crack
1940Year Sec Hull sets up Commercial Treaties and Agreements Div staffed by Trade Agreements Div personnel NEW TRADE UNIT SET UP
Hull Creates Division With Added Powers to Aid Our Commerce