1996Year The questions are relentless, designed, it would seem, to make even the most confident doubt their memories, their beliefs, their very selves. It feels appallingly right that the men under interrogation appear to be dissolving into the shadows and that their questioner is faceless. This is indeed the stuff of nightmares from which a person can never wake completely. It should surprise no one that these images come from a drama by Adrienne Kennedy, a playwright for whom individual identity is eternally under siege. But in "Sleep Deprivation Chamber," which Ms. Kennedy wrote with her son Adam, the location of what the author once called the "funnyhouse of a Negro" has shifted from a haunted interior landscape to a world that is crushingly real. THEATER REVIEW
Righting A Wrong In a World Out of Joint
1943Year navy builds observation platform
righting hinted near 'Reviewing Stand' Hints Righting of Normandie
1934Year St Louis Globe-Dem ed on Hawley-Smoot law Editorial Views
2001Year Dear Gallant: Is it wrong for a fish to wear Groucho glasses? Dear Goofus: A fish may wear Groucho glasses if he or she wishes, provided this is not done to hurt or mock others. Although a fish, lacking ears, may find it a challenge, it is certainly not ''wrong'' to wear glasses -- not for a fish, or for the late Mr. Marx, or for you and me. July 29-Aug. 4
Righting Wrong
1981Year Landmarks, like other forms of beauty, are in the eye of the beholder, and the contractor who recently reduced a historic manor house in Britain to a heap of rubble made a mistake. Either that, or he preferred a historic ruin. Topics
Righting Wrongs; Demolition Justice
1981Year The voice said something like this: "Tension pasjers sistrain will make onlxpress stop huntwenfif necks." A friend heard the announcement on an IRT local during rush hour, and it was his frantic guess that for unfathomable reasons the train was turning into an IND express. Topics
Righting Wrongs; Voices of the Deep