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1999Year Shares of Caterpillar Inc fall after company warns investors that profit growth will continue to decline

reports drop in second-quarter sales, to $5.1 billion, and sharp drop in quarterly profits, to $283 million (M) Caterpillar Sees Profit Growth Slowing in '99

1923Year J H Lange says Amer relief workers fed 11,000,000 daily

reports drop in typhus and says crop condition is better RELIEF TOILERS FED 11,000,000 DAILY; Worker Here on Baltic Says Administration Sent 1,000,000 Tons of Food to Russia. REPORTS DROP IN TYPHUS Says This Year's Crops Should Be Sufficient to Care for Country's Needs.

1932Year Passenger costs cut N.Y. CENTRAL CUTS PASSENGER COSTS

Reports Drop of 11,000,000 Train-Miles in Two Years Without Hurting Service. EXTENDS EXCURSION RATES Road Adapts All-Expense Idea to Land Travel to Meet Competition of Ocean Cruises.


Reports Drop of 19,484,000 Marks in Week in Reserve of Metal. TOTAL NOW 928,341,000 Supply of Foreign Currencies Rises -- Notes in Circulation Gain -- Ratio Increases to 25.1 %.

2003Year Express Scripts survey finds growth in spending on prescription drugs slowed to 11.3 percent in first quarter of 2003 from 16.9 percent in 2002 period

reports drug prices rose 7.5 percent from 2001 to 2002; Express Scripts manages drug plans for 50 million Americans; each of its members accounted for spending of $585.60, on average, in 2002 (M) Spending on Drugs Slowed In First Quarter, Survey Says

1926Year Says modified Administration-Goff dry bill admits Volstead law unenforceable SENATE COMMITTEE CURBS LIQUOR RAIDS

Reports Dry Bill to Give Whisky Same Status in Homes as Beer.

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