1949Year govt reptd having seized Papal courier bearing lr to Bishops COURIER FOR POPE IS REPORTED HELD
Hungary Said to Have Seized Pontiff's Letter Counseling Bishops to Stand Firm Religious News Service.
1959Year Hungary permits his mother to leave country MME. TELLER ON WAY
Hungary Said to Let Mother of Atomic Scientist Leave
1955Year Govt reptdly offers reward for return of refugees fleeing to Austria REWARD FOR REFUGEES
Hungary Said to Offer $365 for Any Austria Returns
1942Year German Gen Field Marshal Keitel seeks Hungarian aid against USSR KEITEL IN BUDAPEST TO ASK FOR MORE AID
Hungary Said to Reserve Stand on Military Commitments
1956Year Hammarskjold asks USSR aid in getting Hungary to admit UN observers
Hungary says 1st Hammarskjold message is being weighed; repts UN Nov 4 resolution was not recd for 'tech reasons'; some UN sources see observers admitted after revolt has been crushed in view of USSR demands for compliance with Assembly resolutions on Mideast events; Hammarskjold sends message to Hungary asking data on amt of relief supplies needed; names P de Seynes to implement relief resolution; 13 countries have offered asylum to refugees; Canada sets immigration priority, gives $100,000; France will take all who wish to come; Poland offers to care for orphans U.N. ASKS MOSCOW TO BID BUDAPEST ADMIT U.N. AIDES; Hammarskjold Urges Soviet to Support His Demand on Hungarian Regime Urgency is Emphasized Copies Sent to Regimes Hammarskjold Bids Soviet Ask Hungary Admit U.N. Observers
1940Year Nazi Deputy Gruber linked to plot NAZI 'INQUISITION' CHARGED
Hungary Says Group Terrorized Ex-Members of Party