1944Year Allied Psychological Warfare Branch announces Ital royalist pol wkly, Unione, suspended for praising Mussolini and insulting Allies ITALIAN PAPER SUSPENDED
Royalist Weekly Banned by Allies for Praising Mussolini
1927Year Addresses student group in Paris by radio from Brussels DAUDET, FROM EXILE, URGES CAUSE BY RADIO
Royalist, Fugitive at Brussels, Addresses Student Group Gathered in Paris.
1945Year Franco Cabinet shake-up seen
Royalists and Cath laity to replace Falangists CABINET SHAKE-UP BY FRANCO LOOMS; Spanish Leader Expected to Put Royalists, Catholic Laity in Places of Falangists
1934Year Pol revolution reptd from provinces which swing to Right in protest against shooting of veterans in Paris riots
Royalists and Communists battle in Lyons; Deputy jeered in Rouen; veterans parade in Dieppe and Nice; demonstrations in Lille broken up by guards PROVINCIALS RIOT; SWING TO THE RIGHT; Shooting of Veterans Stirs Anger Against Radicals Throughout Nation. FIGHT IN LYONS ALL NIGHT Royalists and Communists Battle There -- Deputy Is Jeered at Rouen.
1929Year Ponce disperse group that shouts, "Long live the King," at parade for Joan of Arc ALL PARIS TURNS OUT TO HONOR ST. JOAN AS 50,000 PARADE
Royalists and Republicans Mingle in Colorful Observation of 500th Anniversary. CANNON ROAR, BELLS RING Churchmen in Bright Robes March With Cabinet Ministers to Heroine's Statues. CITY HAS REVERENT AIR Police Disperse Women Demanding the Vote and Group That Shouted, "Long Live the King!" Parading Feminists Halted. Impressive Religious Services. ALL PARIS TURNS OUT TO HONOR ST. JOAN End Week of Celebrations.
1965Year 10,000 UAR and repub troops probe mts in NW for another drive on Imam hq
royalists and Saudi Arabians fear flanking move may be made through Saudi Arabia; King Faisal says that in such case he would expect help from Saudi 'friends'; royalists launch big offensive in east; 200 Egyptians reptd killed in ambush in last few days; 800 captured between Sana and Marib; map; Middle East News Agency repts peace terms adopted in Khamer conf ENEMIES IN YEMEN MASS FOR DRIVES; Royalists Are in the East and Republicans in Northwest