1965Year SAN FRANCISCO, May 19 -Directors of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) presented the happy financial news of a booming company to about 1,800 stockholders at their annual meeting here today. The directors then were re-elected to control of the $12.5 billion concern for another year. Jersey Standard Meeting Is Given Bright News
Shareholders Receive Data on a Booming Company at Annual Session
Shareholders Receive Right to Subscribe to $12,897,500.
1927Year Raises divd rate WESSON OIL SHARES PUT ON $4 BASIS
Shareholders Receive Right to Subscribe to New Common -- $1 Quarterly Declared. GUARDIAN FIRE PAYS STOCK G.R. Kinney Co. Passes Regular Quarterly on Common, but Pays Usual $2 on Preferred.
1930Year Stockholders will vote on proposed stock increase P.R.R. EXPANSION AWAITS STOCK VOTE
Shareholders Refer $170,000,000 Capital Increase to Annual Election on April 22.
2002Year Union and group of minority shareholders at Hynix Semiconductor say they will fight sale of company's memory chip operations to Micron Technology
shareholders say $4 billion price is too low, and union says that if deal is approved it will call general strike (S) World Business Briefing | Asia: South Korea: Opposition To Hynix Purchase
1996Year Shares of Texaco Inc rise 1.4 percent after company seeks to settle racial discrimination lawsuit filed by six employees
shareholders say any move to settle controversy is positive factor for company (S) Texaco Seeks to Settle; Stock Up