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1959Year UNESCO repts 13 million aged 7-12 did not attend school, '50

puts figure at 15 million, '56, rept to ECLA; other data; experts cite ill effects of inadequate educ ILLITERACY POSES RISK TO AMERICAS; School Growth Lags Behind Population Rise, UNESCO Reports to Conference

1962Year Morgenthau cites figures to disprove Rockefeller claim that 450,000 new jobs were created under his adm

puts figure at 285,000 MORGENTHAU HITS TAX RELIEF PLEA; Says Rockefeller Concedes to Failure on Industry

1966Year Mayor Lindsay holds too few Negroes and Puerto Ricans attend univ, s, City Coll

puts figure at less than 10% of total enrollment City U. Ratios Criticized

1968Year Defense Dept estimates it will pay $1.2-billion more than expected for first 120 C-5As

puts final cost at $4.3-billion COST ESTIMATE UP ON AIRLIFT PLANE

1946Year Fed ct grants Rubinstein delay to produce bail or surrender

puts final decision on bail excessiveness up to Appeals Ct; defense counsel revs Rubinstein's recent financial transactions RUBINSTEIN WINS DELAY IN BAIL CASE; Judge Knox Gives Financier Until Tuesday to Produce $500,000 or Surrender WILL NOT REDUCE SURETY Puts Final Decision Up to Appeals Court--Prosecutor Sticks by His Demand Statement by Prosecutor $45,000 Returned From Mexico Airline Leases Plane

1926Year Opposes compromise on U S reservations GERMAN ENTRANCE EASES LEAGUE'S WAY

Puts Final Stamp of International Approval on the Locarno Compacts. BRIAND HAS PROFOUND FAITH Believes Peace and Universal Brotherhood Now Have Their Base at Geneva. NO FEARS OF THE REICH Conviction is Held That German Aims, Including Disarmament, Are for the Common Good. GERMAN ENTRANCE EASES LEAGUE'S WAY

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