1938Year Estate. less than $5.000. The decedent set up two trusts of stock and left bequests as follows: Alice E. Everett, widow, 400 E. 49th St., 40% of each trust and residue
James Everett, son, 54D W. 123d St., 15% of first trust and 10% of second trust; Mrs. Charles Everett. sister, Portland, Ore., 10% of second trust; Wills for Probate
2002Year Comment on some strains in political alliance between New Jersey Gov James McGreevey and Newark Mayor Sharpe James
James expects McGreevey to support his proposal for new stadium in Newark, in return for James's early support for McGreevey's gubernatorial ambitions (S) A Debt Places Strains On a Political Alliance
James Expresses Opinion That War Is Not Imminent
2004Year Health fund covering 55,000 New York City janitors is nearing insolvency, and janitors' union officials threaten strike against more than 1,000 office buildings in October if real estate industry does not come up with money to close fund's $175 million operating deficit
James F Berg, industry's chief negotiator, says there is no way that building owners and operators would be willing to increase their annual health contributions by $175 million a year (M) Janitors Want Building Owners to Close Deficit in Health Fund
1975Year New Bolshoi Ballet, Ivan the Terrible, hailed by public, acclaimed by Moscow press
James F Clarity rev; music is by Serge Prokofiev, book and choreography by Yuri Grigorovich; dancers Yuri Vladimirov, Natalya Bessmertnova and Boris Akimov perform; Bessmertnova illus (M) Bolshoi's ‘Ivan’ Takes Moscow by Storm
2001Year American Embassy building in Kabul is reopened, more than decade after officials closed it with promise to return
James F Dobbins, Washington's special envoy to Afghanistan, says reopening heralds resumption of America's diplomatic, economic and political engagement with Afghanistan; expresses remorse over what he calls neglect of Afghanistan after Soviet withdrwal; US closed mission in 1989, after Soviet withdrawal, because officials feared that power vacuum would create dangerous situation; Dobbins pledges international community's support for reconstructing Afghanistan, as long as new government continues to be supported by 'all factions'; US has not had envoy in Kabul since 1979, when Amb Adolph Dubs was kidnapped and killed; only liaison office is now open; actual embassy is still to come, possibly not until more permanent government is in place; photo (M) Unsealing Time Capsule at the American Embassy