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1929Year Discovers new Washington relics in survey of ancestral family homes in Va DISCOVERS NEW WASHINGTON RELICS

Henry Woodhouse Finds Deeds in Westmoreland, Va., to Wakefield, His Birthplace. DESCENDANTS AID SEARCH Papers in Trunk Uncovered in Westport, Conn., Lead to Tracing of Records.

1930Year Buys por of U S Grant painted by W Cogswell BUYS GRANT PORTRAIT.

Henry Woodhouse Gets Painting From Life by Cogswell.

1929Year H Woodhouse buys dressing gown that was his BUYS DRESSING ROBE ONCE WASHINGTON'S

Henry Woodhouse Obtains Red and Blue Calico Gown Worn by First President. MARTHA SEWED PATCHES Letters Show Garment, Discovered in Virginia, Was Used by General Up to Time of Death.

1926Year F Malmgren, meteorologist, tells experiences NINE NATIONS AIDED FLIGHTS.

Henry Woodhouse Reviews the Byrd and Amundsen Expeditions.

1929Year H Woodhouse describes Washington documents, at annual breakfast DESCRIBES DOCUMENTS IN WASHINGTON TRUNK

Henry Woodhouse Tells Penwamen, at Capital, That 63 NamesAre in Old Letters.


Henry Woodhouse, 'at Capt. Amundsen's Request,' Contradicts the License Record.

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