1950Year AFTER the hard riding over Western plains which the past literary season has put us to, it is a pleasant change to return to the New England hills and catch up on the latest news of Toby Clark and his pony, Windy Foot. These Windy Foot stories are as much concerned with family doings as with horses and therein lies much of their enduring interest. New Books for the Younger Readers' Library
New England Spring
1955Year CORAL GABLES, Fla., Dec. 17 -- Switch On, who captured a section of the Inaugural Handicap, showed his heels to eight other sprinters in the $8,725 Coral Gables Handicap before 10,920 at Tropical Park today. SWITCH ON, 4 TO 1, BEATS DUC DE FER
New England Sprinter Takes Handicap at Tropical Park -- Sue Pat Runs Third
1941Year BOSTON, June 28 -- No evidence has appeared in New England that the people have altered in the slightest degree their attitude toward the war as a result of the German onslaught on Russia. Boston
New England Stands Firm on Aid
1959Year Lockard, D: New England State Politics Split in the Yankee Ticket
NEW ENGLAND STATE POLITICS. By Duane Lockard. 340 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press. $6.
1952Year Dr Garcia Granados sees nation self-supporting in 10 yrs if outside aid continues MILLION FOR JEWISH DRIVE
New England States Aid Fund in Regional Report
1937Year President Roosevelt said today that four New England Governors or other officials would confer soon with the Federal Power Commission in an effort to get Congressional approval of a Connecticut River flood control agreement. TO JOIN FOR FLOOD PACT
New England States and Federal Power Commission Will Confer