1932Year Berry begins negotiations with bankers for short-term loan BERRY TO CURTAIL BORROWING BY CITY AS FINANCES GAIN
Seeks $10,000,000 Now, First of a Series of Small Loans, Instead of $100,000,000. LOWER INTEREST IS LIKELY $20,000,000 Fund for Jobless Also Discussed With Banks, Which Are Sympathetic. WALKER'S STAND ASSAILED Elliman Shocked at His Attitude That Nothing Can Be Done to Relieve Taxpayers. BERRY OPTIMISTIC ON FISCAL OUTLOOK
1951Year Pks Dept proposes setting up $804,800 facilities for mfr of synthetic topsoil for use on pk lands, City Planning Comm
seeks $10,180,587 for 57 new playgrounds; other projects SYNTHETIC TOPSOIL PROPOSED IN PARKS; $804,800 Requested of City for Project to Convert Sludge-- Big Savings Envisioned 57 PLAYGROUNDS SOUGHT Department Asks $18,651,395 in Capital Funds for 1952-- Museums Want 7 Million
1954Year AFL Seafood Workers Local 359 starts strike against wholesalers
seeks $10.40 wkly pkg FISH SUPPLY IS HIT BY FULTON STRIKE; Salt-Water Seafood Workers at 65 Dealers are Seeking Higher Weekly Package
1961Year Kennedy submits bill to exempt interest on Treas securities held by foreign banks in move to spur purchases KENNEDY SUBMITS 2 PLANS TO CURB OUTFLOW OF GOLD
Seeks $100 Limit on Goods Travelers Can Bring Into Country Duty-Free ACTS ON FOREIGN BANKS President Also Offers Bills to Aid Medical Training and Improve Facilities
1966Year Marks 40th anniv
seeks $100-million for bldg and endowment by '76 L.I.U. Celebrates 40th Anniversary; Seeks $100 Million
1954Year Dr W Furtwaengler sues to halt Urania Records and 19 NY dealers sale of unauthorized recordings of Beethoven's 'Eroica' Symphony, allegedly made from radio performance