1996Year Organizers of Sydney Olympic Games in 2000 say they will be different from Atlanta's in several ways
say there will be no carnival-like sponsors' enclave, athletes and officials will be able to walk to most venues from combined village and New South Wales state government will finance most new venue construction, including 115,000-seat Olympic stadium, and cover all debts (M) Sydney Organizers Pledge a Different Experience
1976Year African diplomats at UN are cautiously optimistic that misunderstandings between Smith and African nations over procedures in plan to bring majority rule to Rhodesia can be worked out in Brit-sponsored negotiations
say there will be no relaxation of UN sanctions against Rhodesia until accord is reached; Foreign Min of Poland Olszowski, during Gen Assembly speech revg foreign policy, says white rule in southern Africa must end unconditionally and without delay (M) Africans in U.N. Wary but Hopeful Over British‐LedTalks on Rhodesia
1941Year state that Brit has given Thailand no specific mil guarantees in event of Japanese move because Thailand has not asked pledges BRITISH REJECT IDEA OF APPEASING JAPAN
Say There Will Be No Retreat From Steps in Far East
2001Year Aides to Prest-elect George W Bush say theme of inauguration will be 'Celebrating America's Spirit Together
say there will be open house at White House after Bush is sworn in; eight receptions and balls are being planned; photo (M) THE 43rd PRESIDENT: THE CELEBRATION; Many Inaugural Plans, but Few Details
2006Year Farmers across most of New York metropolitan area, citing hot August and wet September, say pumpkin crops are down
say there will not be serious shortage of pumpkins for Halloween jack-o'-lanterns, although prices will be higher and some may be imported from Ohio; photo (M) Pumpkin Crop Is Down, but Shoppers Shouldn't Notice
2002Year Scientists at New York City Medical Examiner's office say that only about 2,000 of estimated 2,823 are likely to be identified through their remains
say there will probably not be enough DNA to clearly identify remaining victims (M) 800 Victims May Not Be Identified, City Says